Friday 21 December 2012

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Golden Words of a Blind Person

Three beautiful sentences by a blind poet in a program.
(Language : Urdu)
1. Khushnaseeb wo ha jo apne naseeb pe kush ha.
2. Insan darasal wo he ha jo insaniyat ki kidmat karta ha jo insaniyat ki kidmat ni karta wo insan he ni ha.
3. Mayoos wo log hote han jihain sirf apne zaat ka kyal hota ha dosron ka ni.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Right Path

No matter how tough is to walk on the right path but it always end with a light.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Wonders of Mughals

These are the pictures of beautiful Masjid located in Lahore (Pakistan).
Badshahi Masjid

Wednesday 28 November 2012

How can we get good LEADERS?

Allah will only give you pious and courageous leaders like Quaid, Salahuddin and Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz if you ask for them and do NOT settle for Kufr system and corrupt leadership. Even in these times, such great leadership can come and lead you if you really want to live by the law of Rasul Allah (s.a.w) and are willing to make a dignified stand for it. In every era of Muslim history, Allah has
 sent such leaders and this can happen today also.

We have given a solution. No elections - sincere patriotic technocratic wise caretaker government for 3 years to clean the system, punish the corrupt, bring back the looted wealth and fight the war against Khawarij, BLA and Zionists. InshAllah, then we can change the system to make sure no haramkhaor comes into power again. Now this system of Democracy will only produce snakes like we have today.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Monday 26 November 2012

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Importance of Prayers

Offer the Namaz regularly otherwise check yourselves at which side you are. . .?

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Hath Bandhay Kharay Hain Sub

Hath Bandhay Kharay Hain Sub
Ghum khayaloon Main Apnay Apnay
Imam-e-Masjid Say Koi Pochhay
Namaz Kis Ko Parha Raha Hay.


Omeed-e-tooba par ho chuky bohat gunah
Mohlat-e-tooba to mil rahe ha tofeeq-e-toba kyun ni

Father vs Son

Wo lafz dhoond raha tha laraztay honton se 
Zaeef baap ne betay se baat karni thi

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Signs of Allah

"And from among His signs are the night and the day,and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him."(41:37)

Monday 5 November 2012

Real Success

Every one wants success but when there is a call for Azaan in the Masjid (come towards success) then no one bothers. A thing for which a man searches for his whole life itself calls him.

Friday 2 November 2012

Thursday 18 October 2012

~ Virtues of the Qur'an ~

Hadith of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) :-

Narrated Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "If one recites the last two Verses of Surat-al-Baqara at night, it is sufficient for him (for that night)."
{Bukhari :: Volume 6 :: Book 61 :: Hadith 560}

Friday 12 October 2012

Hadith regarding SMILING

Abdullaah ibn Haarith [R.A] said: "I never came across a person who smiled as much as Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] regarded smiling to a brother as an act of charity."

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Objectives of Fasting

The Objectives of Fasting

lama mousa photography
By Shaykh al-’Izz al-Deen ibn ‘Abd al-Salâm (ra)
A partial translation of Maqasid al-Sawm

The Obligation of Fasting
Allâh, Exalted is He says,
“O you who have faith! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you – so that hopefully you will have taqwâ.” [al-Baqarah (2): 183]
Meaning that hopefully you can safeguard yourselves from the Fire through fasting; fasting is a means to the forgiveness of sins, and sins lead one to the Fire.
The Two Sahîhs record the hadîth in which the Prophet (sallAllâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,
“Islâm is built upon five: that you worship Allâh and reject the worship of anything else, to establish the prayer, the giving of zakât, performing pilgrimage to the House and fasting the month of Ramadân.” [This is a wording of Muslim, Bukhârî has the first sentence as 'that you testify that none has the right to be worshipped save Allâh']
The Virtues of Fasting
Fasting carries with it a number of benefits, amongst which are:
1. the elevation of ones rank,
2. the expiation of sins,
3. the breaking of ones desires and lusts,
4. the increase of charity,
5. the multiplication of actions of obedience to Allâh,
6. giving thanks to the One who knows the hidden matters, and
7. preventing oneself from even contemplating the committing of sin.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Staying Up Late, A Disease of Modern Times :

Staying Up Late, A Disease of Modern Times :

They roam the streets when everyone is asleep. Or they may hang out with friends all night at the local ‘hookah place’. Or if they have nothing to do, some of them may even ‘egg’ some poor unsu
specting person’s house….’just because’. And if they are not ‘out there’, they are indoors, up until the wee hours of the morning, watching movies, listening to music, playing video games or chatting on the Internet, just because it’s ‘summer vacation’.
Yes, that’s right, brothers and sisters, that’s our youth during the summer.

And even when it is not summer, they stay up late even then. They think it is ‘cool’ to do so.

And, unfortunately, this ‘disease of late nights’ has become so widespread that we, as parents, don’t think much of it either. In fact, many of us adults are afflicted with this same disease ourselves. We come back from parties and dinners late at night and we let our kids do the same.

However what we don’t realize is….. that’s not how Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala intended the order of things. In fact, it is quite contrary to the natural rhythm which Allaah has created in the universe and in mankind. Allaah says:

“It is He who has appointed the night a covering for you and sleep for a rest. The day He has appointed for rising.” (Surah Furqaan: 47)

Thus, the night is created for rest and the day for work and for seeking provision. Yet we do the exact opposite. We are up at night and sleep late into the day, sometimes, up to or even beyond Dhuhr time, and waste much precious time. ‘Umar Radhi Allaahu Anhu used to punish people the people who did this and say: ‘You stay up for the first part of the night, then sleep for the last part of it?’”.

If we look at how the righteous before us spent their nights, we realize that they used their nights as a means to earning Jannah; praying, reciting the Qur’aan, crying and supplicating to Allaah. However, some of us Muslims, today take their nights as a means of entertainment and fun and even, aaoodhu billaah, a means of haraam and sin.

Actually, the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) himself, did not like to stay up or even speak after Ishaa.

“The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) used to like to delay the ‘Ishaa’ prayer and he hated to sleep before it or talk after it”. (Bukhaari).

He also disapproved of staying up late and warned against it.
He (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Beware of staying up after people’s movements settle.”

Why did he do that? Because staying up late might cause many harms. Some of them are:

1. It may cause one to totally miss the Fajr prayer
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Between a man and kufr and shirk, there stands his giving up prayer.” (Muslim)

2. Even if you do wake up for Fajr, it is extremely hard to concentrate in the prayer or even know what one is saying.

3. Staying up late causes health problems, exhaustion, weakness, and loss of enthusiasm. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Staying up late is tiring and burdensome.” (Daarimi, Tabaraani, others)

4. It also leads to lack of responsibility and laziness, as it is extremely difficult to wake up early for school, job, etc. if you are up half the night. The person ends up sleeping late into the day, missing his work, and slacking in responsibility. Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad said: There are two qualities that harden the heart: sleeping too much and eating too much.

5. We also miss out on the most blessed part of the day is the early morning. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said:
“The early morning has been blessed for my Ummah.”(Saheeh al-Jaami’). That’s why whenever the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) sent out troops or an army, he would send them at the beginning of the day. But by sleeping late, we lose the blessings of this time and the profits we could have gained.

6. If we don’t sleep early, we can’t wake up in time for qiyaam ul-lail, a time for prayer, making dua and seeking forgiveness from Allaah, as the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Our Lord descends every night to the heavens when there is only one third of the night remaining and says: Who is supplicating to me so that I can respond to him? Who is asking Me for something so that I can grant him that which he is asking for? Who is seeking My forgiveness so that I can forgive him”(Bukhaari, Muslim)
Is it befitting that we, as Muslims, miss this honorable and virtuous time and waste it either sleeping or following our desires?

. Staying up late is also a major reason behind many of the moral crimes, community problems, car accidents, etc.

► Exceptions to the rule:

The Ulama say that staying up late unnecessarily is nothing but a bad habit, unless it serves a purpose, such as praying and worshipping Allaah, seeking knowledge of Islaam, a person’s job, traveling, students preparing for exams, or other beneficial or permissible matters.

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:

“Staying up late is for one of three categories of people; those traveling, those praying the night prayers, or those on their wedding night.” (Abu Ya’laa).

What Islaam encourages us to do is to sleep early, preferably right after Ishaa, then wake up early in time for our prayers (Fajr and Tahajjud, if possible) and then take advantage of the blessings of early morning for our work and provision. We are also encouraged to take a nap during the day, either before Dhuhr or after, if we are able to.

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Take a nap, for the shayaateen do not take naps.” (al-Tabaraani–Saheeh). Ishaaq ibn ‘Abd-Allaah said: “Taking a nap is one of the deeds of good people. It revitalizes the heart and helps one to pray qiyaam al-layl.”

Brothers and sisters, realize that staying up late is a diseased lifestyle that takes one away from the religion of Allaah and encourages the following of ones lusts and desires. One should avoid it unless there is a legitimate reason for it. Not only should we keep our kids away from it, we ourselves need to break this bad habit and develop healthy lifestyles and wholesome ways.
May Allaah enable us to realize the harms and evils of staying up late. May He enable us to utilize our time in the most productive manner, that is most pleasing to Him. Ameen. ◄fS►

Monday 10 September 2012


Words of Wisdom

You are not a loser unless you lose faith in Allah.

Sunday 9 September 2012


Golden Words of Hazrat Ali (R.A)

''Jab Mera Dil Chahta Hai K....
Main Khuda Sey Batein Karon Tu Main Namaz Parhta Hun,
Aur Jab Mera Dil Chahta Hai K...
Khuda Mujh Sey Batein Karay Tu Mian Qur'aan Parhta Hun!!!

*****Hazrat Ali R.A*****

Friday 31 August 2012

Allah's Exams vs Worldly Exams

 When we are in Examination Rooms;
• We are not allowed to Copy or Cheat from others,
• We are not allowed to open a book when we Forget,
• We are not allowed to Help anyone else to pass the Exam!

 How Easy is the Exam from ALLAH
• We are totally Allowed to Copy the Righteous and the Pious,
• We always have the Book (Quran) to open when we Forget.
• We are even Encouraged to Help others in this Exam... and by doing so we get bonus points too [reward         similar to theirs].
• I Love ALLAH And His Wonderful Deen ?

Monday 27 August 2012



Masjid to bana di shab bhar mai imaan ki hararat walon ne

Mun apna purana papi hai, berson mai namazi ban na saka

Kia khoob Ameer-e-faisal ko sunwasi ne pegham diya
Tu naam-o-nasab ka hijazi hai ,per dil ka hijazi ban na saka

Ter aankhein to ho jatin hain,per kia lazzat us ronay mai
Jab khoon-e-jigar ki aamezish se ask piyazi ban na saka

Iqbal bara updeshak hai mun baaton mai moh leta hai
Guftaar ka ye ghazi to bana , kirdaar ka ghazi ban na saka

BY:Allama Mohammad Iqbal

Sunnahs of Drinking Water

Sunnahs of Drinking Water

MashahAllah we can follow 6 sunnah while we are drinking water. Watch this video and apply these sunnah in your daily life and spread the message to others also to get more sawaab from Allah(SWT). . . JazakAllah

Sunday 26 August 2012



Fingerprints did not mean much to the people at the Prophet’s time. An Englishman by the name of Genn Ginsen, in 1856, found out that the pattern of lines at the tip of a person’s finger was something unique to the individual. Until 1856, men knew nothing about this characteristic of fingertips. The discovery of the fact that the pattern of lines on fingertips was a sort of identity card is often used by the police to help find criminals. The pattern lines of the fingertips differ even in identical twins. This identity card cannot be forged; it affixes a unique signature to whatever it touches. One cannot imitate or deny it. We carry it about us till the end of our days. Epidermal burns or injuries or aging distort our bodies in one way or another, yet cannot change this fact.

Does the human being think that We cannot assemble his bones? (75:3)
Surely, We are able to reconstruct even his fingertips. (75:4)

These patterns of lines are traced within the womb when the fetus completes its three months’ period. Research is currently being carried out to see whether these lines may be used to detect genetic defects in our body. To the best of our knowledge so far, nothing positive has been discovered on this issue. It is, however, likely that something new may emerge any day.

At the time of the descent of the Quran, fingertips had nothing special about them. God, who will cause man to come back to life on the Day of Judgment, stresses the importance of fingertips.

One of the basic indications of this verse may refer to the patterns of lines on man’s fingertips. There may be other indications, according to which all the characteristics of our body are encoded on our fingertips. It could be implied that during our re-creation all the particularities and features of our body will be restored, so it may be that what lies on our fingertips, apparently of little significance, will be sufficient for this process. The reason why fingertips are given as example is the general acceptance that they are simple things of not much worth. Nevertheless, even the seemingly insignificant tip of a finger is a data bank, thanks to which the entire body may be re-fashioned. DNA is one of the most important discoveries in human history. The discovery of DNA put an end to the idea that the human cell had a simple structure with its contents. As the cell came to be analyzed more and more, the complexity of its makeup was better understood. Even one piece of DNA includes a cipher formed of a series of more than three billion codes. From the color of our hair to our little finger, everything is contained in this code. A printout of data related to DNA would form the contents of about 1000 volumes of one million pages. What is more, DNA has the capacity to duplicate all these data within 20 to 80 minutes. In the lore contained in the 1000 volumes of one single DNA, one can find all the characteristics of the body. The DNA of a simple cell on the fingertip will give one all the necessary information. Our Creator can easily have recourse to this lore to re-create man. It would be as easy for Him to do so as if He were creating him for the first time.

And he makes comparisons for Us and forgets his own creation. He says “Who can resurrect the bones after they are rotten?” (36:78)
Say “He who created them the first time. He has knowledge of every creation.” (36:79)