Wednesday 28 November 2012

How can we get good LEADERS?

Allah will only give you pious and courageous leaders like Quaid, Salahuddin and Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz if you ask for them and do NOT settle for Kufr system and corrupt leadership. Even in these times, such great leadership can come and lead you if you really want to live by the law of Rasul Allah (s.a.w) and are willing to make a dignified stand for it. In every era of Muslim history, Allah has
 sent such leaders and this can happen today also.

We have given a solution. No elections - sincere patriotic technocratic wise caretaker government for 3 years to clean the system, punish the corrupt, bring back the looted wealth and fight the war against Khawarij, BLA and Zionists. InshAllah, then we can change the system to make sure no haramkhaor comes into power again. Now this system of Democracy will only produce snakes like we have today.

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